Satan’s Cocaine Restaurant and Fast Food vs. God’s Natural Food

Satan’s Cocaine Restaurant and Fast Food vs. God’s Natural Food
by Sabrina Dawkins

I kept food cocaine in my refrigerator for 10 days. I took home a lot of leftovers from a family gathering. I don’t waste anything, but I also don’t buy junk food—my diet is very clean and natural. However, my frugal mind won over my body. So I took home a lot of free food that ended up saving me up to $100 in groceries.

When I brought the free food home and stuffed my empty refrigerator with it, I was initially happy and relieved that I didn’t need to go grocery shopping for a while. Then came the haunting vision: I saw an image in my mind of white clear-plastic-wrapped cocaine blocks neatly stacked throughout my refrigerator. I was definitely taking a chance, and the mental image made it more real. In order to save money, because I hate wasting, I had stuffed my refrigerator and part of my freezer with an unhealthy drug. God let me know that I had filled my refrigerator with pans and pans of highly addictive and deadly food.

Nevertheless, I knew it would taste good, all those exaggerated and interesting flavors. But I soon realized that almost everything was over-seasoned. The green beans were greasy and salty. The cake was too sweet, and I also tasted the salt in it used to enhance the flavor. The fried fish was too salty, along with the gravy, turkey cold cuts, and stuffing. Water was my friend during that time because I had to put a lot of water in the soups I made to dilute the salt so that the concoctions would be edible. The dinner rolls, I must stay, were perfect, and so was the corn because I couldn’t taste any salt in it.

I could barely make a full meal of the potato salad, pumpkin pie, yams, or peach cobbler because of the extreme sweetness. I could only eat so much at a time before I became literally nauseated. I know you’re not supposed to make a meal out of dessert anyway, but it felt like my body was rejecting the food because of too much added sugar. The restaurant food was of course over-seasoned, too flavorful in order to ensnare and addict customers.

I don’t think I overate. However, I often had a protruding, stuffed stomach after eating a meal, and I looked forward to the next meal, like an addict. What interesting flavor could I taste next? What guilty pleasure could I consume next? When I finished the peach cobbler, I even licked the pan clean, making sure not to miss any of the sugar crystals and butter. I couldn’t wait to feel even the slightest sign of hunger so I could take out a pan and start eating from it. Since my natural diet consists of a limited number of foods and they have natural flavors, not exaggerated flavors, I know what I’m getting, and I don’t get excited about eating. Of course it’s a relief to fill a growling stomach, and the food is enjoyable, but the natural flavors and a little salt don’t beckon me like the artificial and overpowering flavors of the restaurant food I consumed for 10 days did, food that I probably ate too much of at times because even though the flavors were overdone, they kept drawing me back in for more.

The 10 days started out interesting, but then terror started to creep in. My legs became severely swollen to the point that my skin was tight like a pair a jeans two sizes too small. I had skin irritation on the back of my right hand, headaches, and severe constipation. The restaurant food proved to be terrible fuel for my body, and even before I’d finished it, I couldn’t wait to get back to my restricted natural-food diet of grocery store food and crops I’d grown.

By the time I’d consuming the fridge full of catered restaurant food, I was amazed to see upon stepping on the scale the day after that I’d gained 10 pounds! Granted, at least five of those pounds turned out to be water weight because they went away with frequent urination in one day. The remaining weight came off in two weeks. I know for a fact that I could not eat like that long term unless I wanted to experience serious health problems and eventual death.

Then said Daniel to Melzar, whom the prince of the eunuchs had set over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, “Prove thy servants, I beseech thee, 10 days; and let them give us pulse to eat, and water to drink. Then let our countenances be looked upon before thee, and the countenance of the children that eat of the portion of the king’s meat: and as thou seest, deal with thy servants.” So he consented to them in this matter and proved them 10 days.

Daniel 1:11-14

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