The Happy House Negro – How to Make a Slave

The Happy House Negro – How to Make a Slaveby Sabrina Dawkins In a dream,in darkness,I saw Negroeswell-dressed on the front rowin Boulé ball tuxedoswith spoiled black daughtersdressed like princesses.I watched Satan’s daughters,who were teachers,hand out aulswith a jewel on the endto black studentsthat filled the dark auditorium,where the daughters of the Roman Empirehad stood

America’s Prostitute

America’s Prostituteby Sabrina Dawkins LeBron James had limited range of motionin a miniskirt trying to run up a sloped treadmill to heaven.You were Azealia Bankscrouching in the back roomof Elon Musk’s mansionwaiting for crumbs.You only exposed the rich white manbecause he rejected you,didn’t choose youas his harlot.Still, you put on the brathat is half American

Black Man, You Are Samson

Black Man, You Are Samsonby Sabrina Dawkins Black Man, you are Samson.In the public school system,white teachers were your Delilah.She turned you into a petdependent and worshipping Western rulers.“She broke your throne,and she cut your hair.And from your lipsshe drew the Hallelujah.” “It’s a cold and it’s a very broken hallelujah.” – Leonard Cohen Morpheus

Transcript of Video Deleted by YouTube – COVID-19 & Vaccine is For Depopulation, AIDS, Fauci Name Death Sickle

Transcript of Video Deleted by YouTube – COVID-19 & Vaccine is For Depopulation, AIDS, Fauci Name Death Sickleby Sabrina Dawkins Transcript of my video deleted by YouTube minutes after I uploaded itthepostnihilist on YouTubeUploaded March 4, 2021, and removed by YouTube minutes later Transcript:I’ve had some subscribers ask me to comment on the coronavirus, COVID-19.