About Me

Take a journey inside the black Christian mind. Buy my books on Amazon.com here: https://www.amazon.com/Sabrina-Dawkins/e/B0B2MN5MG2

My name is Sabrina Dawkins. I was born and raised in Charlotte, North Carolina, but moved to a smaller South Carolina city where the cost of living was lower and there was less traffic.

I love growing my own food and composting. Researching different topics and teaching what I’ve learned fulfills me. I listen to mostly spirituals, gospel music, classical music, and compelling instrumentals. My favorite books are the Bible and The Autobiography of Malcolm X. Moses Hogan is my favorite musician.

My goal is to be a bridge so that you don’t fall into the traps on earth that can pull you into a spiritual hell as you live. Søren Kierkegaard was my bridge when I was godless because he made Christians brave, intelligent, and agreeable. Earlier in life, I fell into the traps of agnosticism and atheism after spending 17 years in a false church and then going off to college, where I was relatively free to explore different belief systems and philosophies. But that “freedom” turned out to be a trap that plunged me into confusion and despair. I thought I’d been exposed to and rejected Christianity, but I’d only known false Christianity.

Soren Kierkegaard: A Serpent Seed Who Chose to Become a Bridge

A bridge over a dark pit of deception and spiritual death (kaboompics.com)

I would like to thank the following readers for their monetary gifts:
Tarayvia Rodriguez
Anthony Boatwright