Blocked on Twitter by @mistergeezy for Exposing Joe Biden for Bombing Syria and Being Jim Jones 2.0

Blocked on Twitter by @mistergeezy for Exposing Joe Biden for Bombing Syria and Being Jim Jones 2.0
by Sabrina Dawkins

A few days ago, I was blocked by Greg, @mistergeezy, my second block in the two weeks I’ve had a Twitter account. And this Twitter block, like the first Twitter user block, was for my first and only post to the Twitter user’s page.

I was blocked for posting this: “He just bombs Syria & he cares even less for the darker people who voted for him in the US because he used slang & said you ain’t black if you don’t vote for him. It seems Jim Jones can be really appealing to the targeted audience when he needs to be.” I posted it to the below short video (still frame of it) in which @mistergeezy showed Michael Jackson as a representation of Joe Biden not caring when the far Left of Democrat complains, portrayed as an angry black woman:

Just to be clear, I’m not a member of any political party. And my comment won’t show in my “Tweets & replies” section because I was blocked right when I deleted it in order to edit a word, turn “bombs” into “bombed” in the tweet: You can’t edit; you have to delete and repost. When I tried to repost, I found out I was blocked.

He does not like the Left and separates the Left from the Democratic Party’s interests because he says that the Left is working with the GOP, the Republican Party, against the Democratic Party.

It’s hard for me to believe that black people can be so gullible for so long. When will they realize that these professional lifelong politicians are liars who don’t care about them? You look foolish cheering for a man who doesn’t know or care about you. Both parties at this point are controlled opposition. It literally is a show, and your favorite politicians are bought puppets.

But after searching Google for his tweets containing “Joe Biden” and scrolling through only two days of his tweets, which took forever, as if his only job is to create as many tweets as possible each day, I have the answer: This is a person completely immersed in pop culture and television. Television is reality to him: Biden winning the election is a real victory for him, not a show, not bread and circuses to keep the masses pacified as the economy collapses and bioweapons are unleashed on the world to decrease the population, as Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci, smiling, urge the world to take the vaccine. Bill Gates, Sr. served on the board of Planned Parenthood, and Dr. Fauci is the AIDS expert whose last name actually means “sickle,” as in death sickle. How are those vaccines the nice white people are giving Africans working out? Jim Jones surely is generous to give all the people vaccines. And by the looks of it, @mistergeezy will be first in line to get his.

But I don’t think @mistergeezy has time to research history repeating itself, and bioweapons, and The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male. He’s too busy seemingly posting as many short tweets and retweets as he can, tweeting about celebrities, mindless short videos, and cheerleading for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and apparently the president of Ukraine.

It seems to all blend together for him, the celebrities and the politicians: infortainment that he has fallen for and fallen into. I’m sure his 12,400 followers are entertained by the political short tweets mixed in with entertainment, comedy. It’s a good thing party poopers like me are blocked and not allowed to ruin the party by exposing the media circus of the collapsed Roman Empire creating a very convincing new dream to appease and distract the masses. And @mistergeezy helps by posting tweets in support of celebrities, politicians, actors, figureheads whom he doesn’t even know and who haven’t done anything tangible for him.