America’s Prostitute

America’s Prostitute
by Sabrina Dawkins

LeBron James had limited range of motion
in a miniskirt trying to run up a sloped treadmill to heaven.
You were Azealia Banks
crouching in the back room
of Elon Musk’s mansion
waiting for crumbs.
You only exposed the rich white man
because he rejected you,
didn’t choose you
as his harlot.
Still, you put on the bra
that is half American flag,
half Kente cloth.
You wear Kobe’s Starter jacket,
colors red, blue, and black.
But “No man can serve two masters:
God and mammon.” (Matthew 6:24)
And you chased the American Dream
into the flames.
And, Esau, there were no victims.
You bet on the wrong horse
and lost the game.