The End of a Wicked Generation by Flood – Genesis Chapter 7
by Sabrina Dawkins
Noah was the only person that God found righteous in the generation. He was told to take seven pairs of clean beasts, male and female, but only one male and one female of the unclean beasts. Noah was also told to take seven pairs of birds into the ark so that they would keep the seeds alive by spreading them far and wide. If it weren’t for birds during that time, seeds would have fallen to the ground and sprouted in a relatively small area. Birds help to transport seeds further away so that they can grow in a less crowded area and not have to compete with a lot of other seeds for resources near the parent plant.
God will cause it to rain for 40 days and 40 nights in seven days, and every living thing that’s not in the ark will be destroyed. The number seven is a sign of completion, the day God ended his work, so it is a sign of the end of this wicked generation.
Noah was 600 years old when the earth was flooded. The number six represents the day that both man and beast were created. In Revelation 13:18 we are told that the number of the beast is 666; it is also the number of man, because both man and beast were created on the same day. Therefore, man is a beast, at least originally (Ecclesiastes 3:18). But God wanted man to through obedience and faith become a quickening spirit (1 Corinthians 15:45; Romans 8:11). He wanted Adam to choose the tree of life in the end.
The reason for the three sixes instead of just one to represent man as a beast is that Satan copies God and wants to be God. Thus, instead of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Satan has counterfeited his own group of three in one: the dragon as god, the beast as the son of Satan, and the false prophet to represent the Holy Spirit and the false prophecy Satan whispers in the ears of his followers. The number seven represents completion and rest. But those who worship the beast will have no rest—they remain at six and do not enter into seven (Revelation 14:11).
Genesis 7:11 indicates that water came not only from above but also from fountains below to flood the earth. Remember, in Genesis 1:7 God separated the water that was above the firmament from the water below it.
God himself shut the ark behind Noah, his family, and the living creatures with the food stored therein to keep them all alive during the flood (Genesis 6:21). The flood waters remained on the earth for 150 days.