The Easy Way to Read the Entire Bible

The Easy Way to Read the Entire Bible
by Sabrina Dawkins

So many “Christians” I’ve met have not even read the entire Bible. They go to church on Sunday and might even take notes on the sermon, but they have never digested the entire Bible, and I’m usually shocked by how little they know about the actual Bible. This is a serious problem. I know that the Bible is a huge book and it can seem like an insurmountable mountain to read it from cover to cover. But it has to be done if you want to really know the will of God.

How to read the Bible the easy way:

  • Listen to the audiobook. It is important to listen to the King James Version because it is the version least corrupted through translation. On YouTube you can listen to the King James Version of the Bible for free.
  • Read it with music. The Dramatized Audio of the KJV is on YouTube. Soothing music plays as the Bible is being read to you, which makes reading the Bible more enjoyable.
  • Digest small pieces at a time. Listen to or read the Bible in your spare time. There’s no need to rush through it, because if you bite off more than you can handle in a single setting, you will forget the portion you forced in after your brain got tired—you’ll just be going through the motions. And on YouTube you can control the speed. Slow down the audio to digest it better. You can also listen to the Bible in your car, as you get ready in the morning, while you mow your lawn, while you exercise, while you do your hair. You’d be surprised how quickly you finish the Bible by listening to just a few verses a day while you do other things or when you have a few minutes to spare.
  • Research. Do not just keep going after you hear something you don’t understand. Do further research online. Briefly consult other translations that use non-antiquated language to clear up a confusing verse. Make a mental note, and when you can get to a computer, look up the parallel verse on to see what other translations say it means.

After you’ve listened to the Bible on YouTube, iPod, CD, or tape, then it will be easier to read it with your own eyes and at your own pace, for a closer look. There’s always more to discover.

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