The End of a Wicked Generation by Flood – Genesis Chapter 7 by Sabrina Dawkins Noah was the only person that God found righteous in the generation. He was told to take seven pairs of clean beasts, male and female, but only one male and one female of the unclean beasts. Noah was also told
Category: Bible Interpretation
I explore symbolism, metaphors, patterns, parables, and prophecy in the Bible.
The Fallen Angels Create Giants – Genesis Chapter 6
The Fallen Angels Create Giants – Genesis Chapter 6 by Sabrina Dawkins The sons of God were angels. They saw the daughters of men on the earth and were attracted to them, so they took them, as many as they wanted, and had children with them. Genesis Chapters 18 and 19 show that angels can
The Long-Term Consequences of Sin – Genesis Chapter 5
The Long-Term Consequences of Sin – Genesis Chapter 5 by Sabrina Dawkins God had created man in his own image. And now Adam has fathered Seth in his own image and likeness. Eve believed that Seth was a replacement for Abel (Genesis 4:25). Cain was created in the likeness of his father: Satan. This is
The Amoral, Godless Lineage of Satan and Cain – Genesis Chapter 4
The Amoral, Godless Lineage of Satan and Cain – Genesis Chapter 4 by Sabrina Dawkins Why did God accept Abel’s sacrificial offering but reject Cain’s? Abel kept sheep. He brought the firstborn of his sheep as an offering to God. A lamb is a young sheep. In the Bible, sheep are innocent, harmless, meek creatures,
The Serpent Seed by Satan and Eve – Genesis Chapter 3
The Serpent Seed by Satan and Eve – Genesis Chapter 3 by Sabrina Dawkins The serpent represents Satan because his nature is that of a cunning snake. And he is a beast because he has rejected guidance from God. Satan lies to Eve, telling her that she will not die from eating of the tree
The Innocence of Adam and Eve – Genesis Chapter 2
The Innocence of Adam and Eve – Genesis Chapter 2 by Sabrina Dawkins By the seventh day, God had created the heavens, the earth, the fowls, the beasts, man, and the angels. We rest on the seventh day because God rested on the seventh day after completing his work; and we are made in his
God Created Heaven and Earth – Genesis Chapter 1
God Created Heaven and Earth – Genesis Chapter 1by Sabrina Dawkins God is the source of light, and the light is good; both literally and figuratively it must be separated from the darkness, which is bad. Earth is within a dome, and there is water below—oceans, rivers, lakes, seas—and also water above the dome. The