Fake Christianity Turns People Away from Real and Living God
by Sabrina Dawkins
Fake Christianity turns people away from God. I grew up in a church with an effeminate head musician. He was so obviously feminine that although he was married to a woman, my grandmother said that a church member said she would kill him if he touched her underage son during I guess his private piano lessons. And the pastor never told us that we, black people in the Americas, were the true children of Israel—not the white-skinned imposters.
My choir director at that church, the youth choir director, would often not show up for choir practice, which over time thinned out the large youth choir and left the remaining few of us to talk idly, feeling abandoned, in the front room of the church, waiting for our parents to come pick us up. I wondered how such an inconsiderate choir director who rarely even showed up, and when he did was often late, was able to keep his position. But he was the false preacher’s cheerleader on the front row during Sunday services, showing all his teeth, jumping up, yelling, “Preach, boy!” several times throughout the sermon to bolster the pastor’s words and image, it seemed. I would see the pastor cut a sly look and grin at the youth choir director who was cheering him on, as if he was amused or maybe even flattered by the histrionics of this grown man.
The same youth choir director, who had stood up his youth choir on so many rehearsals, years later pleaded guilty to the felony of taking indecent liberties with a high school student; he was criminally charged with sexual assault. The student was a male, and he filed a lawsuit against the band director charged and the school board because he claimed that they had prior knowledge of his past sexual misconduct: the school system had suspended the band director in the past for explicit sexual conversations with one or more students, and he had been disciplined and/or fired from a previous job for inappropriate sexual behavior.
My high school choir director was an open homosexual who would even bring his boyfriend to choir events. He also taught the gospel choir at school, which I wasn’t in, but we did learn Christian songs in the choirs in which I was a member. This same high school choir director became the head musician and choir instructor at the church I grew up in right after I graduated from high school and moved away to attend college. And this isn’t a small, unknown church, this is one of the most popular black churches in Charlotte, NC.
So I had a childhood preacher with a doctorate degree who couldn’t even interpret the Bible correctly, or had no desire to because his main interest seemed to be church as a business. He didn’t even know that earth is hell and that Cain was actually Satan’s son. And he was considered one of the best preachers of one of the best black churches in Charlotte. The church employed a questionable effeminate head musician. My youth choir director at the church, whom my grandmother and aunt would gossip about, saying he was gay—as a child, I couldn’t believe them because he didn’t act effeminately at all—was later proven to be a pedophile. And my high school choir director was openly homosexual, taught us Christian songs, and became the head choir director and musician at my childhood church. How could I take Christianity seriously? I was surrounded by sinners and deceivers who claimed to be Christians, who attended a Christian church, who were adults whom I looked to for guidance. But they didn’t live by the Bible, so why should I?
In false churches, there is a routine of attending church every Sunday and perhaps even attending choir rehearsal during the week. But what is learned? Do you see a lot of biblical scholars coming out of these black churches? People with gray hair who have spent most Sundays since their youth in churches for a couple hours, you would expect that by now they would have read the entire Bible several times and be capable of correctly explaining it—but most of them cannot. I have found that church is nothing more than a feel-good routine for these people. Church is a social gathering and not a classroom, to them. And their preachers have not prioritized making the congregations biblically literate and mature, for obvious reasons: Once members have learned the Bible for themselves with the help of the Holy Spirit, they will no longer feel the need to attend a false church and fill the offering plate and pockets of a false pastor and a homosexual musician and choir director.
I really thought I had been given all Christianity had to offer in my youth. I rejected it when I headed to college, no longer being forced to wake up early in the morning on Sunday to attend church service. I was a failure anyway: I would try not to sin or have sinful thoughts after church service, but it was like holding my breath, and I couldn’t keep the act up for more than maybe an hour after church service. Whatever a “true Christian” was, I felt I would never be able to become it. So I went on to try other belief systems, theories, philosophies.
Satan is clever. Whenever I hear testimonies from people who have left the church and Christianity, most if not all of the time, their complaint is with the people of the church, usually their hypocrisy—never with God BECAUSE THEY NEVER KNEW GOD. They were only presented with false Christianity, a false church, a false pastor, and false church members, pew warmers, including adult fraternity and sorority members who sat comfortably in church pews, having pledged to false gods: demons. Why would God answer their prayers if they haven’t established a relationship with him? And I don’t mean treating God as if he were Satan Claus, remembering him only when one wants something. In the Bible, the disobedient Israelites would call on God when they were in trouble. God wants us to do his will even when we are not in trouble.
I can assure you that God is real. He’s not only real, he is wise and good beyond your imagination. And you thought you rejected him by walking away from your false church. But you never knew him. Your preacher was a tool of Satan.