Robert F. Smith as Samson to Overshadow Malcolm X

Robert F. Smith as Samson to Overshadow Malcolm X
by Sabrina Dawkins

Sunday, May 19, 2019, billionaire Robert Frederick Smith gave the 135th Morehouse College Commencement speech. It was also Malcolm X’s birthday. The robe he wore looked like my childhood pastor’s preacher robe. He stood up there like a responsible, proud minister and father and pledged to pay for the false education received by his “children.” The only thing he said about “X,” as he called him, was that he died and was mourned by others.

His final sentence of his speech was, “And may God always hold you in the cradle of her hand.” Nothing is free. If Satan gives you money, he’s going to let you know that it’s him giving it to you. And in chanting “MVP” to Robert F. Smith after he said he would pay off their student loans, the graduating class at Morehouse was giving him worship as a proxy for Satan. God is not a woman, but the “queen of heaven,” a devil in disguise, is (Jeremiah 7:18).

Here is Bill Cosby’s official statement concerning Robert F. Smith promising to pay off Morehouse Class of 2019 student loans:

I salute Mr. Robert F. Smith; he has just reached one step closer to finding a cure for America’s deadly diseases, by funding education. Learning is contagious; I’m a living witness on the inside of this institution [SCI Phoenix]. Thank you, thank you, Mr. Smith, for jumping on supporting education and not come back limping. Mrs. Cosby and I are smiling with our son, Ennis.

The Playboy woman was also appealing to Bill Cosby. And he was also a philanthropist who stood up and gave motivational speeches to the black race.

For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15

Robert F. Smith as Samson
by Sabrina Dawkins

Robert F. Smith
is Samson with shaved locks:
2D Playboy centerfold
second wife
22 years his junior,
a billionaire investor
who invested
in someone else’s cause:
his enemy’s,
the hypnotists
who, with bait,
seduced him
with images,
overloaded his senses
with sickening sweet cake.

Eyes wide,
he took home a prize
of flashy paper images
made flesh his Delilah,
the conquering pendulum.

Here is Robert F. Smith’s speech, given on Malcolm X’s birthday, at the Morehouse College 135th Commencement:

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