Art Hobbes

Art Hobbes
by Sabrina Dawkins

Art Hobbes, Kanye said,
“Why would I read
when I have the opportunity
to fucking watch TV?”
Art Hobbes, Timbaland said,
“The damage is done
so I guess I’ll be leaving.”
Art Hobbes, athletes
have you looking at a playground sport
as a possible career dream.
Art Hobbes, after programming is complete
and in front of the TV you’ve Fallen asleep,
Timbaland said,
“The damage is done
so I guess I’ll be leaving.”

Direct quote taken from “Kanye West Unedited: The Complete FADER Interview, 2008”

2 thoughts on “Art Hobbes

    1. It is a direct quote from Kanye West. It demonstrates what people become when they consume TV and rap/hip hop garbage rather than read books such as the Bible: They become foul mouthed, stupid, and demon possessed.

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