Cain and Esau Killed You

Cain and Esau Killed You
by Sabrina Dawkins

What do you say to a corpse
who wants to talk about the weather,
the latest football game, or actor?
Why don’t they know
that they are dead?
Why are they above instead
of below the ground?
Hell is a corpse walking,
casually making sounds.
Hell is corpses flattered by the TV,
told they are not dead; instead, are happy.
Hell is corpses who go to church on Sunday
to listen to reddish-brown Esau
lie to them continually,
after that red pottage,
using your offerings
to fill his belly.
A corpse sends its children
to the white serpent seed
to be taught lies
and given a false dream
of integration instead of separation
from the devil’s offspring.
William Faulkner was a demonic racist.
But don’t expect your white literature teacher
to tell you these things.
And Foucault was a sadist homosexual,
but my white sociology professors
forgot to tell me this detail.
A corpse bites the “knowledge” apple
and ingests the serpent’s seed.
And now its head is filled with lies,
but it’s a pleasant death dream
of convenient electricity screens,
light bulbs turned to bitten red apples.
And when the flesh feels sick
while the soul is dead,
worldly knowledge says go to the good doctor,
Anthony Fauci,
a white savior on the TV.
But can a serpent change its nature?
Does Bill Gates want to help Africa?
Was AIDS and COVID a mistake
or crafted by white doctors?
But the serpent was Eve’s friend, right?
He gave her a seed.
And that seed is now your friend.
And he offers you his vaccine
after you’ve been destroyed in his school system
to be Zionist pawns.
Have you read Protocols of the Elders of Zion?
And taken through a dark, muddy tunnel underground,
your white female teacher leads you, dead,
to kill the king of the Bible
so you can allow for
a New World Order
with Satan as king
of the dead forevermore.