Cain’s Children in Blackface

Cain’s Children in Blackface
by Sabrina Dawkins

One of Cain’s daughters
caught Esau’s eye
because Satan was his adoptive father.
Her light skin and “good hair”
made the brown child of the flesh
drip saliva.
He wanted the devil’s genes.
The television and magazines
said Cain’s daughters’ children
are the most beautiful.
They dance and sing
and are models.
The Black Panther Party
puts Cain’s daughters on the TV screen
to represent the black masses
in short skirts and high boots:
Foxxy Cleopatra.
And Cain’s son led
the Black Panther Party
to derail the struggle.
Esau was his sidekick
for a while,
until they fell out.
He found Cain’s daughters so irresistible
he raped them.
Then one married him.
Cain’s children in blackface,
but with white skin
and an Afro or braids.
One black feature is all it takes
to convince us they are black.
But their father fathered lies,
so they’re superior at deception
and disguise.

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