Do Not Yell To the World That You’ve Been Damaged – It Will Devour You

Do Not Yell To the World That You’ve Been Damaged – It Will Devour You
by Sabrina Dawkins

Father knows that beasts
roam the earth.
Therefore, he tells the little lamb,
“Do not cry out in the woods for help.
Be silent.
Speak to me in spirit.”
If even the slightest
rustle of leaves
pricks the predators’ ears,
what do you think loud crying will signal
to a brutal beast but fear?
In nature they attack the baby prey
because it is the weakest.
To yell to the world
in the dark foliage
that you’ve been
psychologically damaged
and know not what to do
will have a predator
tiptoe behind you,
wounded prey,
alone and confused.