Signs You Should Leave a Church

Signs You Should Leave a Church
by Sabrina Dawkins

The pastor puts on a show. You know when the music plays towards the end of the sermon and like clockwork the pastor goes into a sing-talk chant and members are screaming, falling out, and dancing around? Usually the preacher isn’t saying anything profound, but the music and the loud singsong cadence the preacher has affected put churchgoers into a trance. Those in a light trance are mesmerized, impressed that their pastor can say words so quickly that are impromptu set to music. Those in a deep trance start screaming and/or dancing wildly, like in Haitian Vodou ritual ceremonies, as the musicians time the keyboards and drums to fit the tempo of the demon-inspired crazed dancing.

The pastor is obese. This is a sign of demonic possession. The preacher does not have control over the body, and likely many demons are experiencing the worldly pleasure of eating through the body they have taken over.

The pastor is a mason. The god of the freemasons is Lucifer or Satan. And even if he doesn’t know the secrets of the secret society he has joined, he has given his body to demons because he is worshipping the Devil through his affiliation.

The preacher is a fan of celebrities. If your preacher praises Michael Jordan, or Beyonce, or any other godless celebrity, and yes, politicians like Barack Obama—the actor—are celebrities too, that pastor is not in touch with God. When a person receives the Holy Spirit, he or she can see that celebrities were created on the TV screen by Satan to lead a large number of people astray. Remember what Malcolm X said about black celebrities not being leaders but being puppets and clowns put there by whites.

The pastor doesn’t teach the Bible. If you go to a church and the scripture isn’t being taught, leave: You have entered a cult. What is keeping the people there if they aren’t even being taught the word of God? The cult of personality is keeping them there. The pastor has them under a spell and they worship man instead of God. Remember Jim Jones.

The congregation seems stupid. A good teacher over time will educate and properly direct the members of the church. If the congregation doesn’t understand the Bible and seems mentally dull, silly, unmotivated, immature, inarticulate and appears to attend church just as a weekly routine during which pew warmers sit and are entertained or flattered for an hour and a half but learn nothing, leave quickly. Start discussions with members about scripture and see whether they give you a puzzled look or are happy to engage and are knowledgeable.

The preacher doesn’t know that the white “Jews” in Israel are frauds and have taken the place of the real black Israelites. Read the Bible yourself before going to any man to teach it to you so you don’t buy into the commercial, false version of Christ. God gave you his word in the Bible, and you have to know the Bible first before you can compare it with teachings purporting to be from it. The Bible is a big book, but at least listen to the KJV audiobook (free on YouTube) in its entirety before you go out looking to congregate with supposed like-minded people. You might find that your new church family has no interest in the real God of the Bible and instead clings to a fake God who loves everyone no matter what they do and whisks everyone to heaven after death.

The women are dressed provocatively. A true leader of any church is not going to allow women to parade around dressed as prostitutes to entice men, which can lead to affairs and illegitimate children. No woman of God would even want to dress like she’s in a nightclub at church because it’s disrespectful to God.