Slaves of Lucifer and the Rothschilds – That’s what the Symbol on the Dollar Bill Means

“The Illuminati is the occult organization that we belong to; it means ‘the light-bearers.’ The witches call it ‘Moriah, the Conquering Wind.’ But it’s the capstone above. The eye is Lucifer. The triangle or the capstone is the tribunal of the Rothschild family, which is called the holy family. They lead the Illuminati.” – John Todd

Satan and his children: Vampires/Bloodsuckers and the Bearers of Lies

True Blood Clip – “You’ll Be the Death of Me”

“‘And God said, Let there be light: and there was light’ (Genesis 1:3). And even though we stand in darkness today, we shall not fear: For God has given us the ultimate weapon, the ultimate salvation: the Son. And he has placed in front of us a daunting but righteous task. We will not falter. We will not rest until we have brought God’s holy light down on each and every bloodsucking abomination!”