The Brain is a Muscle

The Brain is a Muscle
by Sabrina Dawkins

The brain is a muscle.
If you don’t work it,
you can’t win,
muscle atrophy
under flabby skin.
Reality TV,
celebrity gossip,
TV sports,
fake news,
like triple chocolate cake,
ice cream,
soda, beer,
deep-fried Twinkies.
Is this really what you want
to fill your mind?

Here are some suggestions
to build and work your muscles
on a regular basis:
the Bible,
Malcolm X,

And let’s not forget music,
soundtrack, backdrop of life.
Your goal should not be
but stimulation.
The complexity of many voices
arranged by Moses Hogan,
or activity of different instruments
dancing on air,
striving together
to etch out a piece,
as your mind chases instruments,
which inspires it to create.