The Fictional Successors to Malcolm X and Moses

The Fictional Successors to Malcolm X and Moses
by Sabrina Dawkins

I saw Huey Newton,
Cain’s son,
in a dark movie theater,
whom fake white Jews
made Malcolm’s successor.
Should I get popcorn
as the trailers run,
bread for the circuses?
Is he Terrance Howard as DJay?
Am I his Kathleen Smith
here for some good entertainment?
If he were a rapper,
he’d be Drake
in blackface.
Malcolm’s autobiography is too long.
I just want a movie
or a rap song
telling me to take my freedom
by the barrel of a gun
as George Jackson
in a fictional film,
the tragic antihero
doomed to fail
because he had not God,
only nihilistic chaos,
so he couldn’t be a Joshua.
No, they were John Singleton’s
movie stars,
Boyz n the Hood.
And their Hustle & Flow
pimped the black masses.
They were American Gangster,
lights, camera, action
for the true psychopath.