They Slept Comfortably in Satan’s Bosom

They Slept Comfortably in Satan’s Bosom
by Sabrina Dawkins

Deuteronomy 28:68
Moses Hogan’s former children back in Egypt
weren’t interested in singing his Negro spirituals,
coded messages to free them
from current invisible chains.
Instead, his former sons sang
“The Star-Spangled Banner,”
providing backup bass thumps,
trying to harmonize with LeBron James.
His former daughters followed Beyonce
into the restaurant to be served
the Malcolm X version of integrated cream,
then followed her broken-horse ponytail
onto the elevator,
choosing the easier, pampered way.
Instead of following Christ,
they strove to live in luxury,
as kings and queens.
Their billionaire idols didn’t tell them
money only buys people as slaves.
So they strove for the illusion of comfort
in Satan’s bosom
as their souls went up in flames.

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.” John 8:44