You are Likely Demon Possessed – How to Overcome

You are Likely Demon Possessed – How to Overcome
by Sabrina Dawkins

Your demon possession is hiding in your evil thoughts, dream “characters,” and involuntary behaviors. Sinful thoughts keep entering your mind and you can’t stop thinking about them; you try to purge them, but they keep replaying like a broken record. You frequently interact with dream “characters” who are menacing, deceptive, and encourage you to sin or engage in self-destructive activities. There are times when you can’t control yourself. You may, for example, masturbate, laugh uncontrollably, blurt out things that you regret.

Sometimes we get so used to experiencing impure thoughts, nightmares, and temporary uninhibited behavior that we think it’s normal or something to just ignore. And unfortunately, if you’ve never had the Holy Spirit, you will have trouble comparing a state of lack of control to a state of control because all you have experienced is partial control over your body and demons being able to come in and overpower you at any time.

I’ve seen it, people’s eyes go dull, mouth goes almost limp as they say things in a seemingly altered state. And afterwards, they just continue as if nothing happened. They are used to their demon possession, so they ignore it or think it is just part of their automatic personality.

Evil spirits are much more clever than people think. Their goal is to remain inside of the host, not get kicked out of a suspicious host. So how do they ensure that they can comfortably live in a host? They hide themselves. Therefore, the evil thoughts that they broadcast inside of your head have to be related to things you’ve experienced or are familiar with, or else you will suspect that they are being generated by an outside source. Temptations they feed you have to be in line with sinful things that would be appealing to you or else the temptation has a lower probability of being effective.

Demons have to blend in with hosts so the hosts unknowingly integrate the demons into their personality and sense of self so that sinful thoughts amplified by demonic activity become just passing normal thoughts that the host either acts on or is influenced by in some way. The host may become used to daily masturbation, laughing at inappropriate times, binge eating. And these things might annoy the host, but they become so normal and routine that the host no longer really tries to resist.

Devils see cracks and widen them. They see that people are inclined to sexual immorality, so they inspire the creation of pornography so that people are able to access unlimited nudity and sexual activity online and become even more susceptible to sexual immorality as the various porn images replay in their heads long after the scenes have been viewed. Demons use your memories against you. And “junk in, junk out.” If you fill your mind with filthy entertainment and demon-inspired literature, that recorded information will be replayed for you to weaken your defenses and allow demons to take control of your body because they have already infected your mind.

Evil spirits are not visible in the waking world. There have been times, however, when I’ve briefly entered a trance state while still seemingly awake; I’ve temporarily entered another state of consciousness and seen the faint outline of a demon on a human face. But usually when I’m fully awake, I only see spiritual dirtiness through my spiritual eyes when looking at demon-infested people, or deadness in their eyes, or an unsettling wicked shine on their pupils. Or I can judge simply by their actions that they are not in control of themselves and have fallen to the influence of demons.

The biggest problem in the world today is mass demon possession, people who are either possessed or can become possessed at any time because they don’t know God and don’t follow his word. I’ve seen seemingly godly regular church attendees become demon possessed and say things out of character, and I’ve seen children become possessed and say evil things. Only God’s spirit can keep demons out; humans are not capable of stopping invisible spirits from entering their bodies. But what you can do is separate your thoughts from demon temptations. Show God that you genuinely want to follow him and not the demons by reading the Bible, obeying it, and sincerely praying to be rid of your sinful nature. And when God cleans you, those previous thoughts will become disgusting to you. You will still be tempted because demons will continue to try to find cracks to reenter, but as long as your desire to be rid of sin is sincere, their efforts will not be successful overall.

Even being around people who are dead in their sins (Ephesians 2:1-2) and demon possessed can be dangerous. When I made the terrible decision to go vegan for six months years ago, in a weakened state I inadvertently stared into the eyes of a demoniac and literally lost consciousness for a second or so. As I stood there, I like went to sleep standing up for a short period of time. I interpret that as whatever demons were in him where trying to find a way to break into me.

Occasionally demons are still able to twist my thoughts, even using my compassion and love to make me think and act in ways in opposition to God’s will. For example, love for a parent could cause one to go into a profession one hates because of the desire to make the parent proud. Think of Peter. He loved Christ, but Satan was able to manipulate that love for Christ into a desire to keep Christ physically alive and not fulfill his mission. But Christ said to Peter, “Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men” (Matthew 16:23).

When we realize that even our own thoughts, seemingly good thoughts, can be used against us, we realize that reliance on the Bible and the Holy Spirit are the only objective way to keep demons out. Our thoughts can’t be trusted. Our feelings can’t be trusted—only obedience to God will show him that we sincerely choose him over our temptations.

When Israel disobeyed God over a long period of time, he allowed them to be taken into captivity by their enemies. They chose not to follow God, so he allowed Israel to be ruled by its enemies. Spiritually, when we decide not to follow God over a long period of time, he gives us over to demons to use our bodies and, often subtly, destroy us spiritually and then physically. “Choose you this day whom ye will serve” (Joshua 24:15).

Allowing demons in can be as simple as entertaining an evil thought. Don’t think it can’t happen to you. Don’t ignore uncontrollable behavior or wicked thoughts that continually play in your mind. Turn to God, the only one who can effectively keep demons out, if that is what you truly want. However, if you enjoy entertaining evil thoughts, communication, and activity, then you invite in with it the demons who are masters at feeding you low doses of their poison so that you don’t detect it until it’s too late.

2 thoughts on “You are Likely Demon Possessed – How to Overcome

  1. That is very very true!!! You see these things I already know but through God thanks to you for bringing them to my attention. And may the Lord God continue to bless you as well!!!

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