Atheists and Fake Christians, You were Outsmarted by the Luciferians

Atheists and Fake Christians, You were Outsmarted by the Luciferians
by Sabrina Dawkins

You are like a seabird who swoops down to collect prey from the dark and murky sea. But the food you catch is plastic litter. You’ve ingested a false education fed to you by the Luciferians in this dark world of seemingly endless plastic, artificial information. You walked into their cathedral, called a school, as a youth and naively pledged your allegiance to Satan. What if I told you a shrewd observer has correctly gauged your weaknesses (examples: pride, greed, laziness, lust, fear), and instead of vegetables, he has given you an endless supply of desserts and junk food? Eat as much as you want. Eat what tastes good to the senses but will slowly destroy the body.

They taught you to believe in evolution through their free public school systems. They taught you to pity only the fake Jews in World War II, the chosen people of Lucifer. They taught you there is no God so that their god, Satan, could reign on earth uncontended in the minds of their slaves—Satan wants slaves. And if teaching you that God doesn’t exist didn’t work, Satan inspired the Roman Catholic Church, a counterfeit Christian church also known as the Whore of Babylon, and filled it with his demons disguised as priests, pastors, bishops, cult leaders, and false prophets to turn you away from true Christianity because your experience will have only been in fake Christianity—Satan’s Christianity.

You can’t win with false information—they know this. They have made you dependent on them for information—they own the major networks. They own the government that you depend on for law and order. They fund both sides of wars, plunging nations into debt and making them dependent on them for survival. They fund both political parties while creating the illusion that the power to choose presidents is in your hands, presenting you with the illusion of an attractive freedom to lure you away from obeying God and instead encourage you to vote for King Saul.

The world is not what it seems to be. The Luciferians counted you among the defeated when you cursed God, parroted their anti-God teachings, and embraced anti-biblical behaviors, expressing what you thought was your own personal freedom. But you were only a pawn used by the Luciferians to drown out the voices of true Christians, believers in the one true God, so that the whole world would hear only the voices of the mouthpieces for Luciferians, knowingly or unknowingly.

They want you to die in confusion and ignorance so they don’t have to worry about you fighting back. Biological warfare uses undetectable germs to wipe you out, you who have lived by their false information, championed it above the one true God, and they would wipe you out like a bug that found its way into a house. There are too many of you, they say. They want the resources, created by God, all for themselves.

They’ve made you dependent on them by giving you their puppet government: “You don’t have to worry about gardening, composting trash, or educating your own children: We’ll do it for you. We’ll even entertain you after work through our television networks. So don’t worry. Don’t even think. We’ll take care of it all.” They convinced you that humans can order their own affairs. But behind the scenes, they were only fashioning an incompetent opponent. You were only ever meant to live in ignorance and confusion. A weakened opponent makes a willing slave, until no longer needed.

As thepostnihilist I tried to warn you that the Luciferians had outsmarted you. I tried to tell you that they were possessed by demons who had studied you for a long time. I tried to tell you that there were only two choices: God or Satan. But you wanted to be free to sin. And by default, Satan won you over. You were on his side, but he was not on your side. You thought he was a mere metaphor, a symbol of your rebellion and freedom. But he was very real, and you were expendable, a pawn used to kill God in the minds of the inhabitants of earth so that Satan could rule, and a cruel and sneaky dictator he has turned out to be. Ironically, God would’ve given you more freedom, freedom to do good and live in peace and truth.

You are ignorant concerning the degree of evil in the highest places even using the guise of aid and goodwill to deliberately inflict deadly diseases on people through vaccines. Don’t die as a fool caught in the mental web trap Satan set for you which makes it easy for him to slowly crawl to you and without anxiety finish you off after you’ve served your purpose as his soldier against everything good and holy.

When you rebel against an unmovable Father, the one who slithers in to fill the void will tell you “everything is permitted,” as Dostoevsky would say, and then watch, amused, as you decline under the weight of his spiritual deception as you try with your physical strength to create your own version of freedom and morality.

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