The Abandoned Pet – Don’t Call It Wild

The Abandoned Pet – Don’t Call It Wild
by Sabrina Dawkins

The abandoned pet
scratches at its master’s door.
But the master has
an electronic alarm system now
and no longer needs a dog.
The abandoned pet
can’t hunt or plant.
It would be an insult
to call the animal wild
because in nature
all God’s creatures
can survive on their own.
But the abandoned pet
continues to scratch
at its master’s door
for scraps
with no knowledge
other than how to be
a spoiled pet.
So the abandoned pet
becomes a Democrat
to vote for a new master.
And when the pet gets
a new master and becomes fat,
it paints itself pink
and stands next to the elephant.

3 thoughts on “The Abandoned Pet – Don’t Call It Wild

  1. Hey Teach, with all do respect, it’s not the day nor time for riddles. But a time to be straightforward. 🤔🤔

    1. God’s creatures in nature know how to live off the land. But humans in modern society with complex governments don’t even remember how to grow crops, being completely dependent on the government and the city machine. Most blacks vote Democrat. They are voting for a fellow human being, not God, to provide for them through the government machine. But after slavery and with advances in technology (electronics), blacks in America have outlived their usefulness–abandoned pets. They vote in Democrats to continue providing for them. Tokens are allowed into “important” positions to show “progress” alongside the facade of the Democratic Party equality. But when the tokens get fat (rich), they become pigs (pink) and are no different from their Republican “opponent” (the elephant).

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