The Media Tells You When to Protest: The Fake Martyrdom of George Floyd

The Media Tells You When to Protest: The Fake Martyrdom of George Floyd
by Sabrina Dawkins

They can kill Bob Marley, Stokely Carmichael, Moses Hogan, Khalid Abdul Muhammad, etc. using biological warfare, and there are no marches or protests. Why? Because your enemy has educated you in the public school system and created a huge blind spot in your mind so that you can never uncover his snake-like covert method of maintaining rulership. He has convinced you that Lee Harvey Oswald, a lone gunman, killed John F. Kennedy and that he went to the moon. He has convinced you that he is all-powerful and also that misfortune happens to sincere opposition leaders by chance. He has hidden his hand in the piles of disinformation he has stacked in your brain.

Your enemy owns the TV channels you watch that tell you to be outraged and protest because of George Floyd, a drug addict with multiple arrests. He triggers, sparks, and controls your protests through the TV screen. Your enemy is now acting from within you. Your real heroes are forgotten, their deaths, according to your enemy, were chance misfortunes. Now you put all your energy into avenging a criminal high on drugs who didn’t want to be arrested and died in shame.

Satan, more than anything, wants to destroy your soul. One of the ways he’s able to accomplish this is through proxies, his representatives who lead you on the wrong path: false heroes, false martyrs, false Christs whom you rally behind, whom your enemy tells you to rally behind to shame you, to show that you don’t have the Holy Spirit or a moral compass to differentiate between a true hero and/or martyr and a fraud created by the devil’s electronic magic.

The media has been used to create antiheroes, essentially characters, the façade of smiling faces that are not backed by any work for God’s kingdom. But by the use of words and images, the media is able to pick your heroes and martyrs for you. And your false education only creates the fertile ground for false heroes to appear in your mind.

In the interest of the real heroes, I am jealous. I see all this attention given to fake martyrs such as Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Nipsey Hussle, Ahmaud Arbery, and now George Floyd. But the real heroes and martyrs are forgotten. The real men who could’ve led you into real manhood and victory are left in the dust as you run to follow behind a fake cause for fake martyrs who died as criminals.

I pray that one day you will realize that the key to not creating more criminals who will die in shame is to start following the real heroes and martyrs; otherwise, the blind will continue to lead the blind and black people will continue to be falsely educated and fed destructive garbage through media brainwashing so that they spiritually die and lose their souls before they hit the dirt, making their eventual deaths almost redundant.

In public schools and universities, I wasn’t taught anything about Soren Kierkegaard, Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, Marcus Garvey, Christ, John Brown, or Nat Turner. And I know why. So I had to do my own research. I did, however, learn about Martin Luther King Jr., Karl Marx, and Michel Foucault in school. Your enemy has weakened you with false information, and now he has provided a reasonably priced media device through which you can conveniently download the false information. Stokely Carmichael spoke of how important it is to read primary sources. Don’t allow the media to tell you when and how to protest. And make sure you’re on God’s side.

“The people of Israel were slain before the servants of David, and there was there a great slaughter that day of twenty thousand men. For the battle was there scattered over the face of all the country: and the wood devoured more people that day than the sword devoured” (2 Samuel 18:7-8).

The real heroes other than Christ were not perfect. They had human flaws. But they were Christ-like, even though, like Peter, they stumbled along the way.